
Quotes, Shorts, Nuggets, Insights, Truths From The Father to Me and Some of My Friends and Fellow Brothers and Sisters To Ponder and Encourage You...and Revealing He is a Loving Father!

Snuggle...Don't Struggle!

More than anything else, God is love and you cannot separate love from Him; love is not just a part of Him, for God is love! ~ Deborah Fisher

Love melts the most resistant heart, melting away every hindrance.  When love has its perfect work in us, our capacity to love increases! ~ Deborah Fisher

Love  and love alone relentlessly pursues us with passion, longs for us, brings us home where we belong, cares for us and keeps us safely there! This is not a dream...it is a reality of Father's loving heart for all His children to come home! ~ Deborah Fisher

Charismatic and evangelical Christians love to quote the words of Jesus in John 14:6: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Yet I believe that many of us have only apprehended the first half of that verse. A way only has meaning if it leads to a destination. Jesus is the Way, but the Father is the Destination. Multitudes of Christians are still on the way, and have never arrived at their destination. They have never come to know God as a Father, personally; missing the real point of the coming of Jesus.~ Derek Prince

There is never a time in your entire life, that you were not loved by Father. ~ Jack Winter

Allow JOY to crack open and break through the resistance today...JOY is your strength and stronghold, the fruit of childlikeness. ~ Deborah Fisher..."How blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! O Lord, they walk in the light of Your countenance, in Your name they rejoice all the day, and by Your righteousness they are exalted." ~ Psalm 89:15-16

There are two laws that govern life: the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, which is love; and the law of sin and death, which is selfishness (Romans 8:2). Like curtains on a curtain rod, your deliverance, answered prayers, healing and faith all hang on the rod of love. ~ Creflo Dollar

Don't let an orphan heart keep you from all that belongs to you to enJOY as sons of God...He wants to be a Father to You! ~ Deborah Fisher

A good teacher, phases himself/herself out! ~ Arthur Burt

LOVE made a way...LOVE makes a way...LOVE is making a way! Father is always present and loving even NOW...There is never a day He does not love! Father L♥ves You! Receive the love that you were made for...Be Loved...Beloved! ♥♥♥ Deborah Fisher

Let JOY SPRING forth and bring healing and depth to your relationship with HIM!...Love Received and JOY expressed wreaks havoc in the enemy's camp...So Be Loved....Beloved...You belong to HIM! ~ Deborah Fisher

Father doesn't treat you according to your past, but according to your future. ~ Leif Hetland

You are the object of His affection. ~ Deborah Fisher

When it stops being fun, it's not Me! Look about you, look within you, consciously be aware of Me, loving you! You are safe in Me! ~ Deborah Fisher

Receiving love is the greatest gift we can receive; for in love are we changed and in love can we give love...Let love flow from Father's heart into your heart, for you belong, therefore you will believe, that you might change from glory to glory in the love you were created for and be a family once again! For you are not an army, you are not slaves, you are sons and daughters of a living and loving God! ~ Deborah Fisher

The revelation of the Father’s love is clearly not just a book on a shelf amongst many, but is indeed the bookshelf itself! ~ James Jordan

Fatherless does not mean being without a father; it means orphan. Father is both Father and Mother to us; He is the Father to the fatherless and He wants to be a Father to you...for you belong to Him already. In Father, there are no orphans, only sons...receive the love meant for you and simply be loved...Beloved Sons of God! ~ Deborah Fisher

The greater includes the lesser. ~ Arthur Burt

Oh what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, as His children, for that is who we are, the sons of God...lavished with, in love...Lavish meaning prodigal, like wasteful spending...you are worth it all...lovable...so be convinced in the love you were created for and go deeper! ~ Deborah Fisher

Over the centuries, the Church has become deaf to the laughter of God. We've produced a morbid brand of Christianity that appears deathly boring and unattractive. The "good news" has been overshadowed by the legalists and lovers of rules and regulations. It's time to recapture the sights and sounds of a joyful God!! Live out of Father's smile!!! ~ Stephen S.J. Hill

Love will cause us to rest in what Father did through sending Jesus to redeem and restore us to the life of love we were made to enJOY; and to restore us to the Father and live as a family again! ~ Deborah Fisher

This is all about a Father who lost His kids and He simply wants to have them back! ~ James Jordan

The grace and love of my Father has caused me not only to rest in Him; this love captivates me, assures me and causes me to fly.  I have such assurance in love, in who I am, I no longer can be quiet about the love that changed me. The consciousness of His protection and delight of me takes me into irrepressible JOY! ~ Deborah Fisher 

‎"The greatest tragedy is a life lived and died without knowing Father God intimately and experiencing His love personally." ~ Bob Parr

Interestingly, we become the scriptures as we live in love! ~ Deborah Fisher

Instead of portraying God as a bookkeeping, divine legalist, Jesus introduced us to a Father who dances for sheer joy at the sight of a devastated son returning home. He depicted the Father as a divine sprinter, who runs after sinners and throws parties for those who can't possibly qualify for His favor!!! ~ Stephen S.J. Hill

The performance based life I once led was not recognizable for so long, for I was doing lots of good; then I discovered my identity was in 'being' and in being Daddy's little girl, in who He is well pleased, simply because I belong to Him, not because of what I do.  I now enJOY the journey and the people round about me...and I feel the love He has for me and you; I love to wiggle noses & pinch cheeks...we are lovable! ~ Deborah Fisher

If your Christian life lacks Joy, then it probably isn't a Christian life. ~ James Jordan

Daddy God loves me when I finish a task and when I don't!  His love for me does not increase or decrease because of my performance.  The glorious freedom of sons abides with me.  Knowing that His love for me is constant and has nothing to do with my doing any particular thing, has caused me to love Him more and strengthened me.  Being His little girl is quite refreshing! Yippee! ~ Deborah Fisher

While many of us have known about God's love, it is quite another thing to actually live enjoying that love. To experience love, the state of our hearts is crucial, as the wounded-heart will become a blockage, because we can only experience love from our hearts. ~ James Jordan

God is the original initiator of love!! Before you ever began seeking Him, He was pursuing you!!! What a thought!!! Live in the Father's embrace!!! ~ Stephen S.J. Hill

Mercy triumphs over judgment! God is LOVE! In LOVE, there is no fear. Looking through fear can cause us to judge ourselves and others unfairly, making decisions motivated by fear not love. Live in love where no charge can stand against you. Love will build up and fear will tear down. Receive and rest in the love you were created for and go deeper! Be Loved....Beloved! ~ Deborah Fisher

The furious longing of God cannot be tamed, boxed, captivated, housebroken, or temple-broken; it is simply and startlingly Jesus, the effulgence (brilliance, radiance) of the Father's love. ~ Brennan Manning

A right or wrong action on your part does not keep love back from you nor do you stop being His own...Your behavior simply does not match up with who you truly are; so correct the action, live as a son or daughter, reject orphan thinking. Father's love is constant towards you no matter what you do or don't do...There is never a day He does not love you! So receive the love you are created for and go deeper into Father's heart! ~ Deborah Fisher

In our strength, it is difficult to find God's love; but in our weakness, Father's love finds us! ~ Ed Piorek

When I am striving, it is difficult to find love, but when I am at rest, love finds me. ~ Jack Frost

Simply living in the love the Father has for us is enough to enJOY every day and to live as the sons and daughters of a loving Abba Father, Dad, Papa, who is both Father and Mother to us. Our parents were never meant to be perfect parents...He is the perfect Father, and the Father Jesus knows and Jesus is our elder brother....FAMILY in a kingdom of manifested sons and daughters...So be loved....Beloved! ~ Deborah Fisher

Wherever you go, the playground is set for you to enJOY as sons and daughters with a loving Father and your elder brother Jesus...Living in a kingdom of His love...family! Simply heavenly bliss on earth is made for you to enJOY! ~ Deborah Fisher

The greatest passion of Father's heart is more that you receive His love and be overwhelmed by love.  Transformation will take place in you and in everyone round about you! ~ Deborah Fisher

There are people all around you every day, who do not see what you see or the way in which you see...show them the way Father has revealed Himself to you, that more will find Him, simply in love and from love...be love! ~ Deborah Fisher

 Joy is simply the evidence of love received. So enJOY! ~ Deborah Fisher

Biblical knowledge without being cradled in the love of the Father can produce misguided and even dangerous Biblical teaching. If the Word of God becomes seed that grows within us, producing fruit for the world to enjoy, then, without it being fertilized and nurtured with His love, it will more often produce undesirable fruit!Vince Mercardante, Sr.

Darkness can not drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate can not drive out hate, only Love can do that. ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

God does not treat us according to our history, but according to our destiny. ~  Leif Hetland

‎We must therefore give honor both to the deserving and to the undeserving. Condemnation confronts sin by beating people down. Love confronts sin by reminding people who they are, by seeing in them the image of God with all of its value and then calling it forth. Love believes in the unbelievable.  ~  R. Loren Sandford

A mother's love puts the heart into the human race. ~ Denise Jordan

Love, the weapon of God's mass destruction, against that, which is against those for who He died!...You! ~ Deborah Fisher

There are not good days or bad days. There are days of grace; grace to enjoy and grace to endure. ~ Graham Cooke 

Jesus does not wait until you are perfect before He enjoys you.  Jesus smiles at the thought of you. He places a crown on your head and watches you grow up into it! He is the Lover of your soul. You really are His personality type, for He made you in His image! ~ Brian Simmons

Father reserves the right to be your protector; and is delighted to do so. He is jealous over you with a Holy jealousy, with an extravagant, loving affection. ~ Deborah Fisher

You can measure how much you know the Father's Love by how much fear is in your life! ~ James Jordan

If grace is unmerited favor, how can we fall out of it. ~ Jack Winter

A sword came down between the sexes, when Adam blamed Eve. ~ C. S. Lewis

Love opens the door of our heart like nothing else, for we were made for love. No false affection or self-medicating drug will satisfy the longing Father placed within us, when we were formed in our mother's womb! ~ Deborah Fisher

Love abides, resides and rides the waves of life and all it brings. Love searches deep within, exposing and healing, as it seeps into the deepest depths of our heart: chambers never before open and now flooded with life and godliness. Love reveals and fills us with a transcendent glory, full of wisdom and truth. ~ Deborah Fisher

Love will set you free to enJoy the journey of your life, in the center of love! ~ Deborah Fisher

Learning to rest dismantles our orphan ways that try. ~ Barry Adams

A hardening of the heart for self-protection is often brought on by unforgiveness, leading to dullness of hearing. Forgiving, letting go of things we cannot change about someone, a situation or even ourselves allows our heart to be easily shaped by the hands of the Master Gardener! Yield to embrace and enJoy the journey! You can trust the One who formed you! ~ Deborah Fisher

Compassion brings the anointing and the anointing breaks the yoke. ~ 
Jack Winter

The devil is not interested in the stopping of people getting saved. He is interested in stopping people from intimacy with the Father because it is something he could not attain. ~ Trisha Frost

Fathers who humble their heart and allow their own weakness to be seen, will reveal God's ability and walk in Father's strength before their children...establishing a generation, who will soar as an eagle! ~ Deborah Fisher

Joy is the serious business of heaven. ~ C. S. Lewis

The enemy will always put up roadblocks to what is already yours to enJoy! Expect fear and intimidation to be your major opponents, which stand against your breakthrough as sons of God! The enemy is counting on your struggling rather than snuggling in rest with the One who fights the battle for you! Your identity is located in the center of Love; remain safe there in His loving arms! EnJOY being Fader God's Little Girl or Little Boy of great adventure! ~ Deborah Fisher

The greatest passion of Father's heart is more that you receive His love for you and be overwhelmed by love. Transformation will take place in you and in everyone round about you!  ~ Deborah Fisher

You are not just God's happy though, you are His original thought. You were conceived in the heart and mind of Almighty God. You matter to Him. You are more valuable than you know, more significant than you can imagine. You are God's masterpiece. ~ Felicia Murrell
 'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you...' Jeremiah 1:5 (NASB)
 'He said to Me, 'You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.' Psalm 2:7

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