Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Father's Blessings Upon You!

Blessings of a Father and Mother: Simple, yet so powerful and defining; and often times withheld!

 Blessings are simply faith-filled, encouraging words, actions and touch that flow through us into others to validate, affirm and guide them into their destiny.  Father God desires to heal wounds and fulfill every love need caused from within the womb, to this day. Blessings are a part of that. 
 There are many today, who have never received a blessing from their father or mother; even among families, who live under the same roof. And then there are those who have never known their parents.  No matter the situation, Father is the Father to the fatherless...Psalm 68:5 And if our parents give us up, He will be a Father to us...Psalm 27:10
 Words have creative power, both positive and negative, especially when spoken by those in positions of authority. Though God places men and women in these positions, man’s nature, without God, can cause harm. When this happens, we can choose to forgive them, honor God, bless them, and proclaim His goodness upon them. This choice can turn the situation around, and then the blessings will flow.  As we read in the life of Joseph, God meant it all for good! (Genesis 37-50) This principle of forgiveness is effective in all positions of authority, whether it is in business, parental, spiritual or governmental. The blessings of God will fall on the just and the unjust. He calls us to be encouragers not accusers, affirming us by His love and drawing us to Himself; He is drawing us and leading us into righteousness.

 Jewish families know the importance of the blessing. Every week, blessings are spoken over the sons and daughters at every Shabbat service; that’s 52 times a year. Also, a ceremony called a Bar Mitzvah is held when the male child is 13 years of age; the father speaks blessings over the child, validating him for who he is in God. It is no accident that reports show that among all the criminals incarcerated nationwide, less than one percent of male prisoners are of Jewish heritage. Also, some of our greatest inventions are from Israel, such as the cell phone! When God is with us, who can be against us; so proclaiming the blessing of the Lord over our families, churches, cities and nations carries His reward. One flicker of light in a pitch-dark cave dispels the darkness!! The blessing of God can carry more power than the curse; His blessing is for a thousand generations and the curse for only four!
 In the Webster's dictionary, to bless means to invoke divine favor on, to bestow happiness, prosperity or good things of all kinds; to make a pronouncement holy; to consecrate, to glorify for the benefits received, to extol for excellence. A blessing is a prayer or solemn wish imploring happiness upon another; a benediction or blessing; the act of pronouncing a benediction or blessing; that which promotes prosperity and welfare.  In the Hebrew language, to bless is Barak – To kneel by implication to bless God as an act of adoration, to praise, salute, thanks, a posture of reverence.
And a blessing is Berakah – Benediction (an act of invoking a blessing).

Imparting of a Blessing
 Blessings are imparted in various ways; whether through touch, spoken or written, they carry the power to cause great success and declare life to the one receiving the blessing.  Throughout the day, speaking words of encouragement and even our actions toward another are blessings.  Loving affirmation and acceptance of a life imparts hope and has the power to send one off with the assurance to fulfill one's destiny, despite opposition.  Even the compassion and warmth of a loving embrace can bring life to the sick. The atmosphere can change around us by our words and cause a negative attitude to turn positive! 
 There is power in agreement.  Agreeing with God about someone is powerful. Our opinion of another or even about our own self is not as important as God’s opinion.  How we see an individual, a people, a city, a church, or a nation can bring transformation and for good!  Getting behind someone with commitment and affirming the positive can turn around a bad situation.
Exercise faith towards yourself, your family, your church, your pastor and other leaders, your city, and your nation. His mercies are new every morning, and great is His faithfulness.  

Proclaim His Word Over Your Life And Family!
 Through the authority of God, call forth those things that might not be, till they are!!  We have to see it before we see it, or we will never see it!! Call forth the promises of God concerning families, prophecies given, and the history of families, cities, and nations.  Check the background of ethnic groups in families and cities and nations and call the redemptive plan of God and bestow honor on each one. Call forth the heritage of the church either by denomination, area, or people. Call the blessings of revival to come forth over the region in which you live, declaring His purpose to be fulfilled and the redemptive gift of God to come and declare the prophecies to manifest for all. The meaning of the names of family members and cities are very significant. Call forth and declare the prophetic purposes of those names and their characteristics to be fulfilled.

 Bless the Lord, O my Soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits; who pardons all your iniquities; who heals all your diseases; who redeems your life from the pit; who crowns you with loving-kindness and compassion; who satisfies your years with good things, so that your youth is renewed like an eagle. Psalms 103:1 – 5

Imparting a Blessing
 It is by the spirit that blessings are given and by the spirit, they are received in faith. When imparting a blessing, there is no set application.  Anointing oil can be applied during the time of pronouncing blessings as well as laying on of hands. Neither one is required, but suggested.  Blessings can be pronounced over an individual, group, over the phone or written in a letter, spoken out, as done in prayer.  However, please note that blessings are not prayers or counseling; they are declarations, loving affirmations.

 Receiving a blessing can remove burdens, break curses, and propel someone into the future.  A total realignment and transformation can take place!  For this reason, don’t let anything keep you from your blessing; seek after that which is yours!

  When imparting blessings: Use their first name, make eye contact when possible, speaking in gentle tones, as Holy Spirit guides you and use gentle, appropriate and endearing  touch and hugs.
 (The representation of a male and female is suggested when embraces are given.)

 The blessings that follow, from a Father and a Mother, can be pronounced individually or combined. They are meant to release you into your destiny; and it is never too late to do so. Father loves you with an everlasting love...He is the perfect Father...He will never leave you or forsake you!
Blessings of Both a Father and Mother ~ God Himself, is both Father and Mother to Us 
 The events of childhood can shape our future in many ways, by the environment we live in and by the words spoken over us, by those who cared for us. Even in the best environment, words and actions can also be misunderstood. If in your childhood you did not receive the blessing of your father or mother, we, as a Father and Mother, now pronounce a blessing over you, on behalf of the Father and Mother you may or may not have known. Read these words aloud and receive them into the depths of your being; as if we were there with you. 

 First, together, we cancel the effects of trauma and every negative word spoken over you, in Jesus name.  We are sorry for not accepting you just the way God made you. We are sorry for not spending more time with you and taking you places with us; for not listening more attentively to you, not helping you with homework, or spending time with you by playing indoor or outdoor games, and for not taking you shopping with us. We spent more time with our friends, ignoring you. We are sorry for the times you longed to be rocked in our arms and we didn’t do it and we pushed you away whenever you wanted a hug or a kiss from us. We are sorry for not being as tender and loving, as we could have towards each other or towards you. Sometimes, our job and what we were doing was more important and we were not there for you. Even our bad habits and behavior hurt you more than we were willing to admit. At times, these habits caused us to neglect you and the family; and made you feel more like an orphan than a son/daughter in Father’s house. At times, we were selfish and we are sorry for not apologizing sooner, please forgive us. We are sorry for the many times we did not tell you what a good job you did. We did not tell you, ‘I love you’ enough and that we are glad that you are our child. Please know that you are loved, you are wanted, and you are affirmed.

 Father God, we ask that you fill every longing that our absence caused and remove the pain and hurt caused by our actions. We thank you for going deep within, healing every wound and filling every longing with you. Thank you for being the father to the fatherless. You are truly the perfect Father. 

 Together, we now, bless all your days with righteousness, peace and joy.
We bless you with wealth to assist you in carrying out the purposes of your life.
We bless you with self-worth that you may walk in the knowledge of the glory of your creation.
We bless you with self-confidence to counteract all the negatives received in life.
We bless you with spiritual insight that you may lead others in the paths of righteousness.
We bless you with compassion that you may show mercy as mercy has been shown to you.
We bless you with knowledge so that you may teach others.
We bless you with the gift of love that you may cherish others as God cherishes you.
We bless you with the spirit of purity that you may walk holy and clean before others.
We bless you with the knowledge of your heritage both natural and spiritual.
We bless you with trust that you might accept others as they are.
We bless you with the ability to forgive so that you may receive forgiveness.
We bless you with the sense of family that you will never be lonely.
We bless you with the eternal knowledge that you have your greatest reward ahead of you.
We bless you with the revelation knowledge of your Heavenly Father’s love for you.
We bless you with a heart of a good son/daughter.
We bless you with great success in all you put your hands to do.
We bless you with caring friends and good business sense.
We bless you with integrity and a nurturing and compassionate heart of honor.
We bless you with an obedient, merciful, humble and loving heart.
We bless you with courage, perseverance, and relentless pursuit of His presence.
We bless you with spiritual insight and an understanding of His ways.
We bless you with a long and healthy life.
We bless you with a tender spirit and an understanding nature.
We bless you with a loving and considerate spouse and healthy, obedient children.
We bless you with wisdom, discernment and patience in training your children.
We bless you with the desire and delight to seek Him first.
We bless you with the greatest of achievements, to become little, that He might be ‘Big’ in your life.
We speak to the destiny of God inside of you, that the purposes of God will be fulfilled in your life.
May you be quick to forgive and slow to anger.
May you know Father God is with you wherever you go.
May your life be a delight to others as they are drawn to God within you.
The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace... Numbers 6: 24-26
ãCopyright 2005-2011 Hot Pursuit Ministries Intl, Written Permission Required and Taken from Blessings, Instruction and Impartation, Hot Pursuit Ministries Intl. Deborah and Bill Fisher, ÔKingdom Creations
 The drawing above, is by Young Min Park, and used by permission.

1 comment:

  1. "Blessings of Both a Father and Mother ~ God Himself, is both Father and Mother to Us"

    This scripture touches my heart and makes me cry right now. i reminded about my mother that is my father also.. she works hard for us to have a money for a living.. same thing to God! he helps us always! thats why i want to give back all the blessings that he was given to me! thanks for the post! loving it! God bless yah! :)

    christian church oakville ontario
